
Gender Pay Gap Report

Gender pay gap report

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 require all employers with 250 or more employees to publish specified gender pay gap data. Ãå±±½ÒÃØ Limited has calculated the required figures and at the snapshot date of 5th April 2023, our gender pay gap data was as follows:

The mean gender pay gap is 24.5%

This means the difference between the average hourly pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage.

The median gender pay gap is 18.3%

This means the difference between the median hourly pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage.

The mean gender bonus gap is 0.0%

This means the difference in average bonus payments received by men and women, expressed as a percentage, and reflects the mean gender pay gap since our bonus payments are salary-based.

The median gender bonus gap is 0.0.%

This means the difference in median bonus payments received by men and women, expressed as a percentage, and reflects the median gender pay gap since our bonus payments are salary based.

The proportion of both male and female employees eligible for a bonus is 100%.

Employees by pay quartile

BandQuartile     Male %          Female %     
   A     Upper     73.3     26.7
   B     Upper Middle     54.5     45.5
   C     Lower Middle     19.8     80.2
   D     Lower     34.3     65.7


The Gender Pay Gap Explained

As an engineering and manufacturing company, the routes of progression through the company have traditionally begun in production and technical areas. Historically, these areas have been almost exclusively male, and this is still the case today, not only at Ãå±±½ÒÃØ but throughout our industry sector. This is the crucial factor that needs to be taken into consideration when seeking to understand our gender pay gap. Band A above includes all our directors and senior managers, the majority of whom are men who began working at the company in technical and production roles and progressed into management.

We are making significant progress in reducing the gender pay gap, which is a cause for celebration. Through collective efforts, we have taken crucial steps towards achieving gender equality in the workplace. The narrowing pay gap signifies that we are a more inclusive workplace that values the contributions and talents of all individuals, regardless of their gender. However, we must not overlook the work that lies ahead. Despite the positive developments, a gender pay gap still exists, indicating the need for continued commitment and comprehensive measures to address this issue. Below is how we are working to ensure that the gap continues to decrease year on year. 

Working Towards Decreasing the Gender Pay Gap

Ãå±±½ÒÃØ Limited is proud to be an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. We are committed to creating an inclusive and fair workplace for all our employees. We recognise the importance of addressing the gender pay gap and are taking proactive steps to promote equality and reduce disparities in pay:

1. Hiring Process

We believe in ensuring fairness from the beginning. Our hiring process is transparent, and merit based. We ensure that all interviews are conducted by at least two staff members of different genders and are always documented making sure that we hire the best person for the job regardless of their gender. We also promote from within and support employees who want to progress within the company.

2. Training and Development

At Ãå±±½ÒÃØ, we believe in empowering our employees by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. We are in the process of designing manager training and development to help bridge any skills gaps, regardless of their gender. We have also changed our assessment process to ensure that any aspirations of our employees are documented, and action may be taken as a result.

3. Work life balance, flexible working, and family friendly practices

We understand that work-life balance is essential, and we value the diverse needs of our employees. Our company works a core 35-hour week and has a generous holiday allowance. Furthermore, we try to accommodate wherever feasible, flexible working applications. We believe that this will enable more women to return to work when their maternity leave comes to an end. In addition, we are working on ensuring those employees away from the business still feel valued and part of the Ãå±±½ÒÃØ team.

4. Education

We believe that education is key to closing the gender pay gap. Our aim is to provide training and workshops to raise awareness about gender equality and diversity.

Our commitment to closing the Gender Pay Gap

Ãå±±½ÒÃØ is continually focused in working towards decreasing the gender pay gap and building a workplace that values and rewards talent, irrespective of gender.

Our Gender Pay Gap

Reporting annually is our way to ensure that we remain on track with our target to continue reducing this on a yearly basis. The gender pay gap is calculated by taking all employees across an organisation and comparing the average pay between men and women. This means that even though we have externally benchmarked salary ranges in place for all jobs, to ensure that everyone is paid fairly for undertaking the same or a similar role, it’s still possible to have a gender pay gap. Since 2017 our mean gender pay gap has dropped 12.1% and our median has dropped 15%. Both figures are the lowest it has been since reporting began. Closing the gender pay gap is not a quick and easy fix. It requires a meaningful, consistent, and sustained shift in cultural norms.